Looking for Michael Buble band charts?
Welcome to the Michael Buble page of go-charts.com. We can supply all your needs for your fully-licensed Michael Buble charts. Our musical arrangements are for small band (4-piece rhythm-section) up to 7/8 piece orchestra (9-piece on request) and cover all Michael’s styles, ranging from swing covers such as Can’t Buy Me Love to the big ballads such as Home, Everything and You Don’t Know Me. Our charts are perfect for work on board cruise ships and also for land-based. With go-charts fully-licensed Michael Buble charts you will be well-set for live work, wherever you go! Join the many people who already use our band charts in their shows, being currently performed worldwide including all major cruise lines, by our many clients from all corners. Please listen to our fully-licensed Michael Buble charts playing by midi by clicking on the below links, and check out the quality of our work.
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
It Had Better Be Tonight (Meglio Stasera)
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas